Friday, August 10, 2012

Important Facts about the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet has become more popular over the last few years.  A lot of people have noticed all of the benefits that are available to the body when they are on this diet.  A lot of people use this diet for heart health, physical and even mental health.  There are several factors that studies have proven to be true.  Many people try this diet because they are looking for a permanent weight loss plan.  A lot of people don’t realize that most of the diets that are available on today’s market are geared for temporary weight loss.

With this diet plan, you will be consuming a lot of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.  In this instance, this diet will consist of mostly foods that are plant-based.  With this diet, fruits and vegetables should be consumed at least seven to ten times per day.  If you do not already eat whole grain bread, you will have to make the switch.  A lot of people are considered about making this switch, but it’s not as bad as a lot of people may be thinking.

Nuts are also an important part of this diet.  If you are a lover of cashews, walnuts, pistachios or almonds, feel free to eat them!  They are great for a mid-day snack or even a midnight snack.  A lot of people worry about the peanut butter that contains nuts.  In this instance, you will be better off choosing a natural peanut butter instead of the kind that contains hydrogenated fats that have been added.
With Mediterranean Diet food, you will have to pass on the butter.  Contrary to popular belief, making the switch from butter to olive or canola oil isn’t as bad as it may seem.  Instead of using margarine or butter, use these two oils as a substitute.

Spices are also an important part of this diet for added flavor.  In this situation, herbs are also used for flavor.  These two products are great for seasoning your food.  You will use these herbs and spices to season your food instead of salt.

Eating fish is a part of this diet as well.  While eating Mediterranean Diet recipes, you will be able to consume fish at least twice per week.  Tuna, salmon and trout are a favorite of many in this instance.  Mackerel and herring are also favorites with this diet.  Be sure to make sure that it’s alright with your doctor before you begin this diet.

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